I went live on Instagram with Liz Kantner yesterday to talk about daily jewels and share some favorite pieces from my personal collection. Even during an uncertain time like this when we are staying home, I still find it important to maintain a routine. Jewelry is something I’ve always loved and it helps me to feel dressed and ready to go. I always put on earrings — even on days when I do very little or no primping. I feel naked without my wedding band, my watch and earrings! Many of the pieces I've been wearing lately hold deeper meaning for me. During the live video from yesterday (April 16th), that we have saved here, I shared a pair of earrings created from some that belonged to my Nana. Since I designed a pair to my own taste, I wear them much more often than I would have had they remained as Nana had them, and each time I put them on they remind me of her. Below is a photo of the earrings I redesigned on the left and a pair they inspired from my Classical Collection on the right.

I've also been choosing pieces that bring me joy, like the Jubilation Studs, the Bonbon rings (especially in amethyst and peridot) and my bright blue topaz Stella pendant.

I will always wear jewelry and I encourage you to wear some every day that gives you a “lift” (as Nana would say), even if you don't have a Zoom called scheduled!