I love color and it drives much of my design process. I like color that makes an impact, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a loud color. Unusual color combinations appeal to me — juxtapositions that are thought-provoking and fun, even whimsical, but never jarring. I often find my most arresting color combinations outside in a garden, in birds’ feathers or butterfly wings. One of my favorite combinations right now is a bright yellow set against a deep purple. This is a combination I’ve seen in many gardens, but not in much jewelry and I’m excited to experiment with it!

Once I’ve been struck by a color combination that I love, I start sketching. During my design process, I work out which colors complement each other, which clash, which work best as dominant or accent colors. Then I work with shapes and textures to create a design for a new piece.

Here's a recent sketch playing with different shapes and colors!

Currently, I am loving my new Bonbon rings because they can be stacked in so many different ways. I've had so much fun playing around with combinations; below are a few favorites.

These Bonbon rings are part of our Chroma Collection which will be debuting soon. If you're a color lover like me, I think you will love what is in the works!